higgs potential



  • Java applets about physics: HarFe-Soft
Java symbol

particle physics

to start with …

Gluons to Higgs
Fusion of two gluons producing a Higgs

History of Science

Own works (with ChatGPT (AI) support)

Economic fusion reactors: Forecasts and Reality

When was the first economic fusion reactor predicted in the course of time? – A historical comparison of forecasts (1970s–2020s)

Title: Economic fusion reactors: Forecasts and Reality

Author: Dr. rer. nat. Sven Hermann (with massive support of ChatGPT 4o 03.2025)

Date: 09. March 2025

PDF file: Link

advanced questions

some questions I myself find fascinating:

  • As the Higgs Boson interacts with itself (it couples to mass), which force belongs to this exchange interaction of the Higgs Boson (discovery and Nobel price 2013)?
higgs potential
Higgs potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • The Graviton has not been found yet nor is there a candidate for a TOE (Theory of everything). But does gravity necessarily have to be an exchange interaction? Or could it be an entropic force and does the Graviton maybe not even exist? → Read more about the theorist Eric Verlinde and his theory about Entropic Gravity.
Our source of gravity force