- Java applets about physics: HarFe-Soft

particle physics
to start with …
- DESY’s KworkQuark (popular scienticic portal about particle physics)
- book “Principles of Quantum Mechanics” by R. Shankar
- read more about the LHC at CERN, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator.

- particle physics booklet 2019 of the Particle Data Group for download.
History of Science
Own works (with ChatGPT (AI) support)
Economic fusion reactors: Forecasts and Reality
When was the first economic fusion reactor predicted in the course of time? – A historical comparison of forecasts (1970s–2020s)
Title: Economic fusion reactors: Forecasts and Reality
Author: Dr. rer. nat. Sven Hermann (with massive support of ChatGPT 4o 03.2025)
Date: 09. March 2025
PDF file: Link
advanced questions
some questions I myself find fascinating:
- As the Higgs Boson interacts with itself (it couples to mass), which force belongs to this exchange interaction of the Higgs Boson (discovery and Nobel price 2013)?

- The Graviton has not been found yet nor is there a candidate for a TOE (Theory of everything). But does gravity necessarily have to be an exchange interaction? Or could it be an entropic force and does the Graviton maybe not even exist? → Read more about the theorist Eric Verlinde and his theory about Entropic Gravity.