Chess is everything: art, science, and sport.
Anatoly Karpov
Some links and hints on chess databases and chess computer engines I recommend for training …
Chess in numbers
- ca. 1040 legal positions
- 10120 various games
10120 = 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
ca. 33 moves per position
typical game: 80 half moves
>> number of various games: 3380 = (33 x 33)40 ≈ 100040 = 10120
- Comparison: ca. 1086 atoms in our universe
Chess engines
- The first “chess engine” 😉 Der Schachtürke
- Modern engines: Modern gerneral purpose CPUs
- Evaluation function
- Minimax algorithm with alternate moves (best variant: best move for white, best move for black … etc.)
- Cutting of branches: Alpha-Beta-Search-Algorithm (alpha-beta pruning)
- Chess Engine ELOs rating list
- Own talk about chess engines for training (Karlsruhe, Nov 2017, German pdf)
Chess databases
- What is a database?
- Popular chess databases
- Portable Game Notation (PGN): popular format for saving chess games
- Own talk about chess databases for training (Karlsruhe, Feb 2018, German pdf)
Sources for games
- Prisoned Dr. B. in “Die Schachnovelle” had his secret source for chess games: he maintained his sanity only through the theft of a book of past masters’ chess games which he played endlessly …
- TWIC (The Week In Chess): recent games of world class players: (scroll down for pgn files)
- Chess Games Database Online:
- Chess DB: The biggest chess database
- Shredder Opening DB (free)
- Shredder Endgame Database (free)
powerful chess toolkit and chess database (updated Jun ’21), open source
- SCID wiki:
- recent SCID version:
- documentation:
- download:
- installation (Linux, Windows, Mac):
- hint: merging of pgn’s in SCID
- “File” → “New” (name new db)
- “Tools” → “Import PGN files” (select pgn files)
- “Tools” → “Export all filter games” → “Export Filter To PGN” (name resulting file)
Downloading many PGNs
- hint: simplified download on Linux-based systems in a shell e.g. :
for i in {1005..1152}; do wget"$i"; done; for i in {1005..1152}; do unzip twic"$i"; done;
… merging of pgn files e.g. with SCID (see above)
powerful, multithreaded UCI chess engine, open source, currently for 64bit 4CPU → ELO > 3600 (Version 15)

Best move in starting positions? 1. d4 (+0.39) is minimal better than 1.Nf3 (+0.36) – with some dynamics (search depth 43 half moves, Stockfish Version 15, 2022)

- Stockfish in action
- extremely useful to connect with SCID
- download:
- support:
More about chess in my chess blog (German)